
I’m a dedicated problem-solver with 15 years of experience in communications, outreach, policy advocacy and political organizing. I have worked with nonprofits, government agencies, and socially conscious businesses, and volunteered time as a political organizer, educator, and gardener.  In everything I do, I am deeply committed to creating a more just, sustainable world.

I bring a cooperative and pragmatic approach, high standards, and a sense of humor to every project. I’m known for my ability to make complex information accessible to a wide audience, put people at ease, and cut to the chase whether I’m facilitating a meeting or writing web content.

I’ve been communications director for four nonprofit organizations, been twice elected to public office, raised thousands of dollars for progressive causes and campaigns, and led volunteer political organizations. Communications has been at the core of my career, but I’m a generalist and I like doing all kinds of work with good people for good causes.

Since 2016, I’ve been the Communications Director for TransForm, and I’m not generally seeking consulting opportunities for the time being.

While I have a special passion for climate justice and food justice, I recognize that all the major challenges we face are deeply connected. Racial and economic justice can’t be separated from climate and food justice, and we can’t have any of that without equality and human rights for women, immigrants, and queer and trans folks. And none of this is possible in a broken democracy controlled by billionaires and corporations! So I’m down to work on all of it, and appreciate an intersectional analysis.

I’m a Bay Area native, and have been growing food and raising chickens in Oakland for most of the last 15 years. I’m an occasional potter and singer, and a frequent cook, hiker, and community organizer.

See full resume on LinkedIn

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